SKYRAD.PACK is a software package for analyses of sky radiometer(sun/sky photometer) data to obtain aerosol optical properties.
This SKYRAD.PACK (version 4.2) is an upgraded version of the version 4 (2001) that is an extended successor of version 2.
Improvements of this renewal package on the previous version 4 are as follows.

1. Analysis Ver.4.2 has become stable and available.
2. Detailed instructions for the package are given.
3. Data for (Improved) Langley mothod plotting are output optionally (a new function) .

The following two functions of version 4 are kept alive.

1. Implementation of the Improved Langley method of Shiobara er al.(1986) to obtain accurate calibration constants for sky radiometers.
2. Retrieval of complex refractive index of aerosols by an inversion method similar to that of Dubovik et al.(2000).

* Analyses of shipborne data (a function of version 4) is available only in case of small ship shaking.

Developer & Contact person
Teruyuki Nakajima,
Center for Climate System Research, University of Tokyo.
Maki Yamano,
Center for Climate System Research, University of Tokyo.
Kazuma Aoki,
Depertment of Earth Science, Faculty of Sciences, University of Toyama.

e-mail: hashimoto.makiko@
(please add after @)

The author(s) are grateful to OpenCLASTR project for using SKYRAD package in this research.

Data Policy
Libraries included in this system are provided to users with the understanding that they will be used only for non-profit scientific or educational purposes, the origin of the data, programs, parameters, are always acknowledged, and the users should assume complete responsibility for any direct and indirect damages due to use of these libraries.
Download of Skyrad.pack
If you would like to use Skyrad, please contact Makiko Hashimoto first.
E-mail: hashimoto.makiko@ (Please add after @)