Rstar7 is an updated version from rstar6b, which is a general package for simulating satellite signals at wavelengths between 0.17 and 1000 microns.
The updates from rstar6b are mainly non-spherical scattering. We can use two habits (spheroid, hexagonal column) for dust-like and ice particles. Makefile and Fortran 90 are also introduced.

This package contains:

Rstar7.Readme : Readme of this package
main7.f90 : root file of rstar6b
LBR/ : subroutine directory for radiance calculation
LBM/ : subroutine directory for mathematics calculation
LBP/ : subroutine directory for particle scattering and absorption
LBG/ : subroutine directory for gas absorption
LBT/ : subroutine directory for radiative transfer
data : Experiment parameter file for rstar7
out : Experiment output file from rstar7
MLATMD : AFGL standard atmospheric profile
AERDB7: Particle profile file
KRNL.OUT : Mie kernel file
ckd.g.ch_2_1e3_big : normal k-distribution file for big endian machine
ckd.g.ch_2_1e3_ltl : normal k-distribution file for little endian machine
ckd.g.ch_2_2e3_big : finer k-distribution file for big endian machine
ckd.g.ch_2_2e3_ltl : finer k-distribution file for little endian machine

You should select normal or finer and indicate DINTVL in main7.f90. And You should choose one which is suitable for your computer system.

This package is not contained precompiler for adjusting parameters.If you need, please download "rstar5" package.

Rstar7 is contained a k-distribution table with HITRAN2004, but this version is now only treated major seven gases.
(H2O, CO2, O3, N2O, CO, CH4, O2)
N2 is needed for sattelite analyses, but not included, will be introduced near future.

It is now validated these compilers:
Intel compiler (ver. 15.0.1)
Absoft Pro Fortran (ver. 16.0.2)
NAG Fortran Compiler (ver. 6.0)
For NAG fortran compiler, it is useful to compile with "kind=byte" as compile option.

2017/6 Released β version.
2012/12Created α version.

Developer & Contact person
Miho Sekiguchi,
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
e-mail: miho@
(please add after @)

The author(s) are grateful to OpenCLASTR project for using the Rstar7 package in this research.

Data Policy
Libraries included in this system are provided to users with the understanding that they will be used only for non-profit scientific or educational purposes, the origin of the data, programs, parameters, are always acknowledged, and the users should assume complete responsibility for any direct and indirect damages due to use of these libraries.

Download of Rstar7.pack
If you would like to use Rstar7, please contact Miho Sekiguchi first.
E-mail:miho@ (Please add after @)