This package is for calculating phase function and its Legendre moments by Mie theory. It has two Fortran main programs to perform this task, i.e., tkrnl.f and CPHASE.FOR. The former is to make a look-up table and the latter is to calculate the phase function using this look-up table.

Developer & Contact person
Teruyuki Nakajima,
Center for Climate System Research, University of Tokyo.
e-mail: miho@
(please add kaiyodai.ac.jp after @)

The author(s) are grateful to OpenCLASTR project for using the Mie package in this research.

Data Policy
Libraries included in this system are provided to users with the understanding that they will be used only for non-profit scientific or educational purposes, the origin of the data, programs, parameters, are always acknowledged, and the users should assume complete responsibility for any direct and indirect damages due to use of these libraries.

Download of Mie.pack
If you would like to use mie.pack, please contact Miho Sekiguchi first.
E-mail:miho@ (Please add kaiyodai.ac.jp after @)